Bits and Pieces

these wintry sunsets have been stunning! i snapped these before i left work yesterday. it’s incredible how quickly wintertime has snuck up on me! i feel like i’m barely just soaking in the christmas season and christmas is less than a week away (how thankful are we all for amazon prime, people!!).
in the midst of the busyness, i’ve tried to focus on how i can continue to give of myself to others.. we don’t have a whole lot to give financially this year, but the same principle goes for my time. even in small things like planning gifts for my secret santa, giving my time to have a coffee with someone who needs a listening ear, or filling in during a children’s production with help where there is lack or a need (and that’s just plain cute too). even though it’s not what i thought ‘giving’ would look like this christmas, it’s what i’ve got to give! need ideas? i liked these.
i hold it close to my heart that christmas season is hard for many. i’m so thankful for wonderful memories to pull from in my life but i know so many who don’t. however i can bring some of that to others and be apart of rewriting this season in other’s lives, i try to do. i felt like gk said it best 🙂 “If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” Gilbert K. Chesterton
so here’s to a season of giving and rewriting and putting a bit of rosy sunset into one another’s lives. merry christmas season to you! ❤






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