Bits and Pieces

Well I’ve been pretty quiet on here since entering newborn land, which included hospital land and now includes keep-four-kids-alive while James goes back to work land.. HA. We are staying afloat, eating food (although grocery shopping has been slower than usual), starting to get walks in again and we even had a couple impromptu play-dates. I came back from said play dates with a brutal sunburn, hair sweat-stuck to my forehead and most of the time forget to feed myself but you know what, we’ll get there!

Newborns are a funny entity. I truly want to hold Jordan all the time, smell him, his breath, his head, his tummy. I love feeding him and the 3am wakeup is a precious quiet moment with him. His diaper changes are even sweet! I examine his little body constantly, his arms, toes, neck rolls, ears. Then, there are moments of sleep deprivation where his little cry gives me an eye twitch and Luke, Kate and Emma all collectively shush him, pat his back and try to distract him, bless them. They have you hooked and also keep a little of the chaos at bay just so you remember they’re dangerous beings, ready to stop you in your tracks and make grocery trips feel risky. Or so it seems!

Summer has been good to us. We’ve had family in town, pool days in the backyard, ice cream cones from down the street. While the kids could be doing so many structured things, it’s sort of nice to know that we can have fun with the simple things still. I stressed about it a little but I’m pleasantly surprised. We’ve loved watching baseball games in the evenings, doors open trying to catch that ocean breeze. Luke loves playing basketball tournaments in the yard with James or I (first to 15!). Kate is really enjoying wrestling Luke in the trampoline and has loved her daily watercolor in her Toy Story 4 coloring book. Emma loves waking up with the sun and can usually be found holding and loving her babies around the house.. she’s also always looking to make a mess with water so summer is definitely her jam. Well, I suppose that’s just a few tidbits for now, hope you’re enjoying your summer!






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