40 weeks

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

Well! Yesterday was my due date. And just writing that out probably needs to be more okay with me, so here I am—40 weeks, 1 day, with my now historically late boy pregnancies! 😉 Going past my due date feels like some sort of mental barrier for me to conquer. When I remember that I had ten days of this with Luke, I am speechless.. how we survived, I have no idea! Well anyhow, I am experiencing a lot of contracting, things seem quite imminent at the moment but like I said in my last post, I feel sort of suspended mid-air with both feet off the ground until things move along. We have things packed, I’m making sure dishes are done, all the clothes washed, groceries restocked, cars gassed, my hospital bag handy. But really.. there’s no perfect time, and he will come when he comes!

I had a high blood pressure reading on Wednesday so I had to be tested for preeclampsia. Thankfully everything came back negative and we all realized that three children will do that to a person 😛 But I spent some time at the hospital for that and thus, the photo diary below. Meanwhile, I am trying to stay active, stay awake (so sleepy today!) and rest up for labor. I am already dilated to 3cm and 90% effaced so I suppose I’ll try and take this slow nightly contracting as great progress and embrace the gradual nature of the process. Whew! Hopefully I’ll be here again soon with BABY BROTHER PICS!

Processed with VSCO with a6 presetProcessed with VSCO with a6 preset







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