Baby brother’s due date is coming closer and closer! We are 34 weeks tomorrow and I’m a little in shock at how close the finish line is. I’ve had little thoughts here and there about labor and delivery and what’s coming and it’s difficult to believe that’s all around the corner.
I’m starting to do a little reading to help get me in the zone, and preparing to pack my hospital bag soon, which I’ll post about too. It’s surreal! And also so surreal that we’re preparing for an actual little boy that we’re about to feel like we’ve always known; that is the most amazing piece of it all. How were they ever not there!? Anyways, without further ado…
Size: last I looked, we are now the size of a head of celery! Also a pineapple. Whoa. I definitely can track with that. I’m pretty sure I experience this same sensation every pregnancy but he is feeling SO huge. The movement and fluttering is more like these big limbs and feet moving and kicking and ribbing me—he seems pretty happy in there!
Sleep: well it’s 3:23am as I write this sentence, so you can sort of take a guess! I feel like I am looking forward to sleep only interrupted by nursing sessions shockingly 🙂 I just can’t seem to deal with my size right now and I am experimenting with different positions and pillows in various places (insert crazy eyed emoji). And I’ve had the large body pillows in the past but they just aren’t cutting it for me. Maybe I need to sleep in a zero-gravity chair for the last weeks? No matter which way you cut it, sleep at this stage of pregnancy is a grouchy topic for me.
Symptoms: my energy comes back in waves and I love when it hits; I feel like superwoman! I’ve had more oomph to do certain tasks throughout the day, especially when I have an iced tea in hand (possibly just osmosis rather than my actual consumption). But nighttime is another story (good luck making conversation with me after 6pm!). I am soaking up the daytime productivity!
Food cravings: Turkey wraps, popcorn and I definitely am finding myself with a sweet tooth for frozen yogurt at night. Froyo has been a recurring craving throughout ALL my pregnancies so I think it must be par for the course! There are some pretty delicious flavors at Yogurtland right now, in case you were wondering..
Exercise: still walking, lunging and doing some weights. The boy pregnancies have been completely 180 degrees different from the girls; I had no energy with the girls, and the boys just seem to make me feel more active, and big. I do feel uncomfortable doing some exercises now but trying to just keep something going so I feel as strong as I can for labor.
Favorite outfit: welp. My workout pants are officially not fitting (nooo!). So I have adjusted. I’ve got a few pairs of leggings I’m switching between but can’t bring myself to purchase a pair of maternity jeans. I’ve had them in the past and unless it’s really cold outside, they’ve just not been comfortable to me. But not much is towards the end I guess.
If I trash any more leggings in the next few weeks (I’m somehow very excellent at this), I am going to buy the Beyond Yoga Maternity leggings. I have heard so much about them and now I’m curious!
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