
I am so incandescently happy with our summer so far.. have I mentioned that? I’m kidding, I’m pretty sure my last five posts say something the same.. In the last few months, we’ve been able to fly by the seat of our pants with day trips together practically everywhere

in our neighborhood/county.

Once we got some of those trips out of our system, I’d wanted to get a rhythm going again with the kids. We don’t follow it every day but we try to keep morning and evening consistent, in particular. If we’ve got no unique plans for the day then we follow this pretty closely 🙂

Wake up

Get dressed, make beds


Brush teeth, wash hands/face

Bible story, morning prayers

Morning clean up

Outing (park, museum, library, walk) or outside play

Activity (craft, puzzles, imaginary play, read aloud time)

Lunch, wash hands/face

Rest time

Outing (see above) or outside play

Screen time (optional, while we make dinner only, don’t worry I only limit it so much since we have our fill the rest of the year *eye roll*)


Bath time, brush teeth, pjs

Daddy & momma time (reading, talking etc)







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