[wpvideo bnYKqZVm ]
Well, the colder days have brought us inside a bit more in the afternoons. Well, I should add that by cold I mean around 50 degrees (we Californians are embarrassing really). Though, it did drop into the low thirties the last few nights. Most afternoons, we can be found tromping through the grass, fiddling in the garden, playing basketball or flipping through books, but this time lapse was Luke’s imagination at its finest! I’m so into these time lapse videos right now, ha. I can’t believe how much their little bodies can accomplish in ten minutes! He had a full service firefighter training program, and training took place in a raging forest fire (made out of books) he’d created. Love that creativity!
There’s been a good deal of rain here too these last weeks, which i love, but I’ve been flexing my indoor fun ideas because there’s only so many trips to target and the mall we can all handle. Though, I will always find something (UGH).
The other evening, my little Emma cried nonstop for about an hour, bringing me to my wits end (and maybe Luke’s wits end too, late just keeps saying Emma is loud) until she let out a mighty (though small) wind 😆 ..only to be smiling and cooing and happy in an instant. She feels everything one hundred percent, her hunger, her toots, her joy. She is six months as of Sunday. Un be lieve able.
Okay the Oscars. My feelings.. so happy about Sam Rockwell (YUS!), Kobe and the giant Mark Hamill sized celebration to go with it (you must watch again for this). And! Jordan Peele! We loved Get Out so super pleased for him. Other observations.. Denzel Washington was darn good in Roman J Israel and possibly most underrated actor so what the heck Academy. Did you find it a bit slow this year though?? Do you care?
Been reading a lot more and I discovered you can borrow books online too (I use hoopla) but there are quite a few hosts for it and I believe I get eight titles a month! You can check your local library to see which online programs they’re hooked up with or go direct and check that way. Game changer! Now if I could only get a few more uninterrupted hours of reading (HA), I could make some serious headway.
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