Superbowl Sunday with a forced exclamation point…”!”

warning..still a little bit sad over here! soo despite the mourning over here at our house (meaning watching big bang theory + eating leftover pizza), we’re still pretty proud of the niners and had a pretty wonderful night with our friends—despite the game stress. and oh was the stress bountiful.

we hung out at our friends house in capitola for intense football chats + loaded nachos. our other friend’s lil baby charlotte took a lot of our attention during the commercials + half could she not!? in my opinion, beyonce toooootally rocked (righhht??) and the destiny’s child reunion had all us ladies totally dancing. serious props to that halftime show!

while we wore our special watches, beanies + t-shirts (we even lit our joe montana candles next to his signed book!), we didn’t pull off a win. welp! (i believe char’s face here sums up all of us at the end of the game) bring on next year and thank goodness the lakers won tonight (we needed somethin people!). we love you niners + friends!!






when mark washed dishes, the niners did better! unfortunately we ran out of dishes to wash..womp womp. and charlotte with her muffs to protect her little ears from our cheers!






4 responses to “Superbowl Sunday with a forced exclamation point…”!””

  1. Cait Monster Avatar

    The game was so stressful! I'm glad they almost made a come back, but they could have made that last touchdown if they ran the ball in. Just my opinion.
    For now, I'm glad that my Sundays are no longer strictly obligated to football, but I can't wait until next year.

  2. B Avatar

    i love how spirited you guys are! they baby's outfit is the best~!

  3. casey ann Avatar

    yes seriously stressful!! i can't wait either 😉

  4. casey ann Avatar

    hehe..our 'spirted-ness' comes with good/bad! but yes..little char is adorb!

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