
we are pregnant!! 
james and i are welcoming a little baby into this world in march!! 
we are currently 18 weeks along and are majorly elated 🙂 much more to come..
pictured: gender neutral mocassins; not pictured: little baby feet to squish in them!
❤ ❤ ❤






14 responses to “Baby!”

  1. Katie Did What Avatar

    OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSHHHHHH CASEY!!!!!! I am abslutely thrilled for you two 🙂 🙂 Happiest news ever!!


  2. casey Avatar

    thank you sooo much katie!!!! we're so excited 🙂 XOXO

  3. Andrea {kerubo mama} Avatar

    Awww so fantastic!! Congrats Casey!! xo

  4. Caitlyn Avatar

    Congratulations! So excited for you! :]

  5. casey Avatar

    thanks so much andrea!! i've been all your posts about lennon much more closely, a whole new world eee!! 🙂 xoxo!

  6. casey Avatar

    thank you so much caitlyn!!

  7. casey Avatar

    woo hoo 🙂 thank you, michelle!!

  8. Tiffany Avatar

    CONGRATS! So exciting!!!

  9. casey Avatar

    thanks tiffany!!

  10. Anna {dear friend} Avatar


    I saw this earlier in the week and have been smiling ever since. Just getting around to saying HOORAY! now! SO exciting.

    HORRAY!!!! 🙂

  11. Marie Mannino Avatar

    Omgoodnes! I am in love with those shoes! Just precious… little Cames! 😉

  12. casey Avatar

    aren't they great!? thank you my friend, here comes little 'cames' :)!

  13. casey Avatar

    thank you soooo much for your hooray anna!!!!! we are so excited!!! xoxo

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