14 weeks

hey thanks friends for the sweet messages about our coming baby! it’s been so fun announcing to all the different circles little by little, best part of this all is getting to share it with so many. so for some of you this post may be tmi (not in a gross way, just in a tmi way.. don’t worry, those bits i left for my peehhhsonal journal, eek, child growing is a weird process.) but i did want to give a peek into what my experience has been so far. this all began in july so i’d take down a couple notes each day at first, which turned into each week, which turned into yada yada yada. here are some things i experienced week by week in the first trimester of growing the offspring that is our wee little one 🙂

world, meet my womb and baby.


week six

monday july 24 so we kinda weren’t sure if we were truly pregnant at this point, since you sorta just have to wait for that first appointment after getting the positive test and all 🙂 does everybody know that?! we didn’t.. so up to youth camp we went (you know the kind, all of us stuffed into cabins nearly five flights of stairs up at an already high elevation). james encourages me to be kind to my body and has a camp intern take me in the cart every time we go up (so sweet of her). i’m already so tired!
week seven
sunday july 28 what’s this talk of morning sickness? i am 24 hr nauseous. i guess a good sign for us 🙂 went to someone’s baby shower and pinned more ideas in my mind. my pinterest board is a well watered garden these days 🙂
thursday august 1: all i want is sushi so bad. i just crave it and it’s one of the main no-no’s (except in more educated countries like japan apparently..)! nothing else sounds good. we went to mobo + i ordered some cooked sushi. i feel nauseous all day long however i get hungry bouts and will take on a normal sized meal to find myself with an instant overly full feeling. still figuring out how to gauge how much to eat and when. tricky! haven’t thrown up thank the lord above.
week eight
friday august 2: insomnia. woke up to pee at two am and never went back to sleep. after i got over my frustration, laid awake thinking of where the crib will go and if we have enough wall art. tried so hard but didn’t fall back asleep. called in sick and laid in bed all the day long delirious and happy to rest.
thursday august 8: our first doctor appointment!! we have a real baby in there! our baby is real 🙂 it felt like we were making it all up really, and then boom! there it is, heart beating voraciously and not just on a screen but inside of me. bizarre and wonderful. we loved our doctor and had a great conversation with her about all the things we’re supposed to think about next. not stressed though, she was so un-stressful! then came the blood drawing thing and oh, that just sucks.
week nine
monday august 12: we began to tell some immediate family. so fun to hear their reactions and how special it is in different ways for each person. still feeling nauseous but moments like that take my mind off it all! can’t wait to share this little life with the rest of our loved ones!
tuesday august 13: just say no to onion rings. the sight of them sickens me. blech.
week ten
monday august 19: first little window of relief to my nausea. it’s much lighter!! my fatigue is still around and i think i’ve slept so many more hours than ever. looking forward to vacation one week from today when i can sleep my heart out, oooh baby yes. tired. so tired.

week twelve

friday, august 23: another doctor’s appointment. i was driving like a sassysquatch on the way to the appointment and to my husband’s dismay, he decided to remind me not to. i had a little fit in the car and don’t know why i wasn’t shocked when my blood pressure was supah high. my husband kindly asked if our argument in the car had anything to do with it. lucky for us all, i thought that was hilarious (it really was!). they took my blood pressure again and it was completely normal. crazy how responsive our bodies are in moments like that. note to self: chill already!!

wednesday august 28: left for hawaii on monday and here til sunday! paradise. baby is really happy here, but didn’t like when i went on a run and then walked too far (i feel like a complete wimp nowadays). paradise is oh so nice, we should stay.

week fourteen

sunday september 15: nausea is really beginning to taper off, along with my every day journaling. but lots of gag reflexes at the moment: chocolate, pizza, the smell of the floor (!?), the smell of robutussin, thinking about the smells that are smelly, the smell of old food or garbage. i think i’m at the edge of starting to show but still think i just look bloated and wide, funnn 🙂

next trimester coming soon, we’re in week 18 right now so plennnnnty to go!






6 responses to “14 weeks”

  1. casey Avatar

    thank you sooo much, kate!!

  2. B Avatar

    congratulations! that is amazing news!

  3. casey Avatar

    thanks so so much chantal!!

  4. Legally Lovely Avatar

    I have been SO BAD at blogging and catching up lately and I just stopped by here and WHOA – YOU'RE PREGNANT!! Congratulations!!

  5. casey Avatar

    Hehehe this message made me smile!! I've been a slow to post and even slower recently, too 🙂 THANK YOU sooo much, Emma!!!! Crazy HUH!!!

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