
i’ve posted a few pics of luke’s room on instagram but thought i’d some of it all here too. there are many finishing touches i’m still hoping to make, but heck if i’m making another ikea run at this point 🙂 i’ve been drawn to blues, greens, greys, neutrals and natural fibers for the room.. i’m hoping for a large area rug and wall art bring the extra pop i’m craving. we’re looking for a luscious rug (i like this one, this onethis one at the moment).

we’ve also many a picture to hang. i’m still toying around with the wall (above the crib area). i’ve got a few pieces to hang already (some paintings i love love love below by my mom!), but still figuring out what to do with the rest of it. the wall is so huge (huge i say!) and i’ve still got to figure out how i want to shelve/arrange/etc the whole thing. suggestions welcome (right now it’s grey)!

  a mix of handmade blankets and a quilt from land of nod that i love! and cute little animals below 🙂
these baskets are all over his room, for blankets, laundry, toys, etc. love them!
from a friend, not real but still hugely thoughtful as james looooves the dodgers
and the paintings by my maja. love them! i gave her a few watercolor pieces i saw as a start place (from restoration hardware i think..) with animals walking in one direction. but she took it and ran and made it way better! i love that it’s fully her style (i’d recognize it anywhere!) and her personalization. super special. she had them framed and matted to boot. love it. nothing really tops those personal touches in my opinion.
ok luke…come fill your little room with all your sweet baby smells** and cries and giggles already!
**well…the not-so-sweet baby smells too, but i won’t put that in large text. because i’ve officially mentioned all the passing of the bodily functions in my last three posts. lucky you.






3 responses to “Nursery”

  1. Rachael Avatar

    Those paintings turned out so well! And I think you picked the best humidifier on the market.

  2. casey Avatar

    oh that's great news! you do as much research as you can but it's hard to know until you use it. can't wait to flip that puppy on 🙂

  3. chantal marie Avatar

    oh my goodness i love those paintings!!! so special!

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