Category: Luke

  • Jordan is 5

    Jordan is 5

  • Luke is 10

    Luke is 10

    Ten years old!

  • Luke is 8

    Luke is 8

    As I sit here listening to Toto and thinking about my 8-year-old big kid (you, Luke!), I can’t help but smile. Luke has been our buddy through all of life’s experiences for the last 8 years. Luke has so much spunk, kindness, thoughtfulness, rampant energy, hunger (proverbially and physically), and true tenacity, all wrapped up…

  • Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke turned the big ol’ age of SEVEN months ago and I’ve been drafting this post since. Let’s pretend it’s disbelief, but probably it’s purely the chaos that has been our last six months, a story for another post. Whatever the case, enough time has passed that Jordy also turned TWO in the meantime. I…

  • Luke is 6

    Luke is 6

    A few weeks ago, our Luke turned 6, and I’m still sitting here trying to add up on my fingers how. This means that almost 7 years ago, I was pregnant for the first time, and 6 years ago, our world flipped upside down and we had our first taste of sleepless nights, busier days,…

  • First Day of School

    First Day of School

    Luke is off and running to his first day of elementary school! I can vividly remember five years ago, when Luke was 6 months old, sitting on the couch talking with James about school and we laughed as we realized it’s FIVE years away. Well bam wham thank you ma’am, that went fast.

  • Luke is 5

    Luke is 5

    I can’t believe it buddy.. you’re five! Our little boy who feels suddenly huge, full of activity, wonder, thoughts, intelligence, kindness, love! I can hardly believe it. He has been waiting to be 5 since his friend Micah turned 5, two years ago. Seriously though. This couldn’t be a more exciting milestone (although he’s already…

  • Luke is 4!

    I just can’t. How in the good heavens does time fly through my fingers like this? My baby boy is four years old tomorrow, which might as well be 15 (but goodness thankfully it’s not). What an incredible first four years

  • Luke at 3.5

    Nobody told me that three and a half would be the sweetest time ever, most days at least 😉 it truly is! Luke amazes me day by day. He has the biggest love for his sisters, he is a rock. He has great patience

  • Siblings

    These pictures make me so happy. I love watching this brother-sister relationship unfold. Oh Luke and Kate. Sometimes they totally play together—sharing, hugs, cuddles, basically the sweetest moments that make you wonder how in the world there’s that much love inside their hearts

  • Preschool

    We have a preschooler! A junior scholar to be exact. We are so excited for Luke’s new adventure .. he is totally ready for this!! But we also had no idea what big balls of emotion it would make us! Geez! And it’s only been one day HA.

  • Bedtime

    There’s nothing quite like the craze of bedtime. As much as I’m usually so tired and ready for my quiet time, I try and remember to enjoy these moments, because they are precious. Do you ever feel like time slows down during important moments in life? Bedtime feels like that to me.

  • Luke is 3

    How does this happen? Three feels like a funny one because three years isn’t enough to feel like birth was that long ago, thus, your tiny little babe’s transformation from newborn to huge, independent-ish, curious, creative, growing by leaps and bounds three year old .. well, it’s all a little much.

  • Spring

    After a handful of “storms of the century”, the weather in on the upswing and I can almost squeeze spring out of thin air! We’ve spent a whole lot more time outside–not like it’s such inclement weather, we couldn’t be outside (eyeroll to us Californians)–and it’s warmly welcomed!

  • Chitter Chatter

    These days, our discussions with Luke are busy, to say the least. He has questions and opinions about practically every fanciful thought that dances across his little mind, and he’s deeply engaged in having these things both voiced and resolved nearly immediately. 

  • Luke is 2

    A month late .. My big boy is now two!! His tiny two years feel like they’ve packed in an eternity of memories.. laughter, joy, cuddles, late nights, early mornings, stuffy noses, dirty feet, lost patience and intense love! Two years feels small, but with Kate here to remind us how little he once was, two…

  • Luke is 1.5

    I cannot believe that we are already halfway through this year of being ONE! Months?? We don’t even reference these things anymore! He is a one-and-a-half year old, and saying that means plenty to most people we talk with 🙂 Here are a few things I’m loving about our one-and-a-half year old.. +Loves books, bikes…

  • Luke 21/52

    Little man playing with daddy’s tie after a day of honoring the life of James auntie who just passed. Thankful to have Luke and wonderful memories to brighten things up 🙂  

  • Luke 19/52

    Hanging out while I cook us some lunch 🙂

  • Luke 18/52

    We have a little peanut butter lover on our hands..

  • Luke is 1

        Luke is a one year old! I‘ve missed quite a few updates over these last couple months, So now that he is one year old, I couldn’t resist 🙂 On his birthday, we had some friends together after dinner and he had his first cupcake. He’s since had some bites of cake here and there, And it’s…

  • Halloween

     We did a very low-key Halloween this year, and had fun browsing around our church’s fall festival with Luke dressed is the coziest little bear suit (Pottery Barn baby has the cutest costumes!).

  • Eating Food

    Our little man is now eating SOLIDS. Well.. they’re not really solid at all, but whatever the case, this six month old loves them. We kinda dragged our feet about feeding him because it just felt like a big leap into the next part of babyhood (diapers included..). I kept making it this huge thing…

  • Man Crush Monday

    My little man crush Monday. I’m taking a break to look at a few pictures while Luke is sick with a cold and there are about a thousand things to complete before the end of this day—and he just looked at me and let out a big one 🙂 So I best be back to…

  • Luke is 6 months

    six months! +now 26 inches and almost 17 pounds, go baby go! +”ah-da-da” and tons of other sounds and half-words are on the regular over here 🙂 (we officially have a babbler!) +exclusively nursing still (and it’s great!), but starting solids soon +almost crawling, which i have no idea if i like that or not!…

  • Luke 33/52

    I’m proud to say that smile up there was caused by me 😉 So today my baby boy slept in my arms like he did when he was a firstborn (all nestled in my arms, cradle style).. twice!! He hasn’t wanted to be in that position since his “sit-up” muscles have kicked in (although he’s…

  • Dusk

    A few weeks ago, James family was in town and we grabbed some dinner and took a walk around dusk down one of our favorite spots (East Cliff). I snapped a couple pictures with the family (all girls, except for Luke and James!) and I must say, we have some beautiful family! I love seeing…

  • 30/52

    luke at four months: +belly squeaking and laughing.. it’s the cutest +babbling much more and distinct “la la” and sometimes a “ma” pops out! +loves toys (specifically a musical monkey and big bird stuffed animal) +much faster nurser than before (praise hands in the air!) +loves walks by the beach and strolling in the stroller…

  • Luke 28/52

      a photograph of luke, once a week, every week in 2014. week 28: we are seeing little man’s personality way more these days. giggling (well..high pitched little screeches), watching conversations so intensely, wanting to be held way more. he’s our little joy and burst of energy! i’m pretty sure he’s constantly moving. i’m already…

  • Luke 24/52

      a photograph of luke, once a week, every week in 2014. week 24: luke’s first vbs! he’s been snug as a bug this week, cuddling in my wrap and sleeping on the go. i took this right after removing him from the wrap (and a nice nap!) and he was pure joy. love my…