Category: Kate

  • Kate is 8

    Kate is 8

    My sweet girl is 8!

  • Kate is 6

    Kate is 6

    Our twinkling little lady is six! I never tire of birthday posts. They have a knack for leaving me in pieces without fail. Kate turned six and I can’t remember a person more thrilled to have a birthday, except maybe the last child to have a birthday in our family 😅 but her excitement was…

  • Kate is 5

    Kate is 5

    This girl. She is a party and a half, and one of our snuggliest. And sneakily turned five on me. She’s joy bottled, always creative, ponders life so deeply and is such a wonderful processor. She asks the most insightful questions in real time and always gets us with her thoughts on life, one of…

  • Kate is 4

    Kate is 4

    I can’t keep up you guys! My big girl is four and these birthdays and milestones aren’t slowing down. Oof. Well, I will press on. I am daily in wonderment at this little girl’s beautiful nature.

  • Kate is 3!

  • Kate at 2

    I can hardly believe Kate is in the neighborhood of two and a half, plus a little more. These days with her range from the sweetest, gentlest moments to the most fierce, she is both all at once. She has the most thoughtful nature, always bringing everybody their belongings and wanting to be a supportive…

  • Kate is 2

    I ended up writing this directly to Kate! And for what reason I can’t entirely say except that it’s 1130pm and I’m tired by don’t want to miss a moment to write down my love for this girl. These next photos also best represent the many sides of our little girl!

  • Kate, 21 months

    This darling girl. I have been so terrible at my note taking for these kiddos lately so I’m giving it a good ‘ol college try.. thus, the randomness of the “21 month update” ha. But there’s so much I can say about our sweet, tender, firecracker-y

  • Siblings

    These pictures make me so happy. I love watching this brother-sister relationship unfold. Oh Luke and Kate. Sometimes they totally play together—sharing, hugs, cuddles, basically the sweetest moments that make you wonder how in the world there’s that much love inside their hearts

  • Bedtime

    There’s nothing quite like the craze of bedtime. As much as I’m usually so tired and ready for my quiet time, I try and remember to enjoy these moments, because they are precious. Do you ever feel like time slows down during important moments in life? Bedtime feels like that to me.

  • Kate is 1!

    Welp. Okay okay, Kate is no longer ONE, she is 14 months! So this is really a 14 months update. I’ll take it. It is such a wonder to me how two little siblings can have so many differences, and at the same time so similar. Genes are a mystery to me. I’m sure I could…

  • Kate is 11 months

    Sweet girl! We’ve already had eleven months with you! You are such a picture of pure joy to us. Your smile, your excitement, your incredible bubbly laugh when your brother does anything at all (particularly jumping on the bed with him..). You flap your arms wildly when you like something. And you’ve begun to put your hands…

  • Kate is 10 months

    Kate at ten months. What could I say about your little personality, Kate.. you are simply lovely to us! Here are a few favorites.

  • Birth Story, Kate

    Hello! Well. Although I’m nine months late to this, my recollection of this incredible day does not grow dim. This girl. Our Kate. Born on a rainy Saturday morning in January. My feelings toward birth this time around were on a whole, a lot less stressful. Maybe because our we had enough to worry about in our…