Category: Jordan

  • Jordan is 4

    Jordan is 4

    The last year of this precious boy.

  • Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke turned the big ol’ age of SEVEN months ago and I’ve been drafting this post since. Let’s pretend it’s disbelief, but probably it’s purely the chaos that has been our last six months, a story for another post. Whatever the case, enough time has passed that Jordy also turned TWO in the meantime. I…

  • Jordan, 8-10 months

    Jordan, 8-10 months

    Oh buddy, if you ever read these monthly updates someday, somehow, you’ll have to forgive me for these have slowly become compound monthly updates 🙂

  • Jordan, 6-7 months

    Jordan, 6-7 months

    Jordan just hit his 8 month mark! He’s currently rolling around in the floor snuggling near Emma. While life got remarkably nutty 8 months ago, it also came with his absolute preciousness.

  • Birth Story, Jordan

    Birth Story, Jordan

    Our sweet Jordan, our May baby. Although this is technically our fourth birth rodeo (man, that’s a comparison that breaks down real fast), I could not believe how much every birth has felt like its own entity. The butterflies, the excitement, the nerves, the preparation. While I had peace knowing what my body has or…

  • Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan is five months tomorrow! So as one does, I shall post his four and five month update. Nights have been late recently so Jordan is kicking my booty sleep wise but lucky for him, I am so smitten with his stage right now. He is so smiley and coos so much, and loves chattering…

  • Jordan, 1-3 months

    Jordan, 1-3 months

    So behind but determined to keep this up! These are some photos from the last twelve weeks.. life threw us a curveball in June and landed us in the hospital for Jordan’s one month mark (and Father’s Day too!). Originally we had taken him in as a tag-a-long to Luke’s check up at our doctors office,…

  • Jordan is here!

    Jordan is here!

    We are in total and utter love with our newborn baby boy Jordan!! He came Friday, May 10 at 2:39am! 8 pounds, 4 ounces of pure love. Perfect way to celebrate Mother’s Day this year..