Category: Emma

  • Emma is 5

    Emma is 5

    This Labor Day weekend, we celebrate our little Labor Day arrival, Emma! My on-time twin (came on her due date, Labor Day) which was both ironic and wonderful all at once. I cannot believe you, my love, are already 5! Emma is a loving, charming, adorable little lady with big puppy dog eyes when she…

  • Emma is 3

    Emma is 3

    My little love turned three earlier this month. These toddler birthdays are truly the sweetest! The realization that they are the special birthday person is pure joy, and the siblings excitement just made it that much more fun. Emma has been easy peasy happy since the day she was born. We always talk about how…

  • Emma is 2

    Emma is 2

    I’m so behind. So so behind. I am troubled by my behind-ness (a questionable adjective). I am two months late for this birthday post. So late, in fact, that I’m now a day late to my own birthday post (the horror). But here I am, you guys. I can’t stop, won’t quit now. Birthday posts…

  • Emma is 1

    My goodness it is surely surreal to write that. And I’m sincerely wondering if being in disbelief over the pace of time or children’s ages ever goes out of style. I think not. That is the hallmark of parenthood maybe, that children observe you always going on about the swiftness of time.. well, here I…

  • Emma is 10 months

    I’m so behind on these! I am forcing myself to sit down for a hot second so I don’t neglect to log these memories. At ten months, Emma is smiley, giggly, observant, snuggly

  • Emma is 6 months

    Emma is (more than) six months now! She is incredibly squish-able, super smiley and still has a loud chattering voice 🙂 She loves

  • Emma is 5 months

    This girl is five whole months!! She is growing in her interactive ness, getting so tall in my arms and holding her body up so much (even though tummy time is her least favorite on the daily to dos). Emma loves being anywhere in the vicinity of her sibs.. Kate is always handing her toys…

  • Emma is 3 months

    Little lady is three months old now! I feel like we’re sort of exiting the newborn phase and I’m looking forward to discovering more of her personality. I’m also holding onto her newborn-ness fiercely because it’s just the most precious phase to me.. gosh I love this girl.

  • Emma is 2 months

    Two months with this little girl have been pretty sweet. She is relatively easy going and has the sweetest smiles. We felt like she audibly said

  • Emma is 1 month

    I am so thankful for this sweet girl who, aside from some seriously painful toots over the last few days, has given us a gentle welcome back to newborn phase! A few things about her.. 🙂 She is already almost 10 pounds, yeah! She is an amazing eater! There have been some seriously drop-the-mic bowel…

  • Emma!

    Our little Emma is here!—she arrived last Monday, just about an hour or so into her due date of 9/4/17 (aka Labor Day)! Ha. Ha. We are all in love and soaking in the baby scents and sweetness because gah, in my happy place! We just LOVE this newborn phase 😍

  • Baby makes five!

    A family of five, that is 🙂 Sooo here we go! Our third small person is on the way. I’ve actually found it a little hilarious to try and figure out unique ways to share each pregnancy. With Luke, we were very choosy and careful about how and when we shared, and unknowingly kinda secretive. I think…