Category: The babes

  • Jordan is 5

    Jordan is 5

  • Luke is 10

    Luke is 10

    Ten years old!

  • Kate is 8

    Kate is 8

    My sweet girl is 8!

  • Jordan is 4

    Jordan is 4

    The last year of this precious boy.

  • Emma is 5

    Emma is 5

    This Labor Day weekend, we celebrate our little Labor Day arrival, Emma! My on-time twin (came on her due date, Labor Day) which was both ironic and wonderful all at once. I cannot believe you, my love, are already 5! Emma is a loving, charming, adorable little lady with big puppy dog eyes when she…

  • Luke is 8

    Luke is 8

    As I sit here listening to Toto and thinking about my 8-year-old big kid (you, Luke!), I can’t help but smile. Luke has been our buddy through all of life’s experiences for the last 8 years. Luke has so much spunk, kindness, thoughtfulness, rampant energy, hunger (proverbially and physically), and true tenacity, all wrapped up…

  • Kate is 6

    Kate is 6

    Our twinkling little lady is six! I never tire of birthday posts. They have a knack for leaving me in pieces without fail. Kate turned six and I can’t remember a person more thrilled to have a birthday, except maybe the last child to have a birthday in our family 😅 but her excitement was…

  • Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke turned the big ol’ age of SEVEN months ago and I’ve been drafting this post since. Let’s pretend it’s disbelief, but probably it’s purely the chaos that has been our last six months, a story for another post. Whatever the case, enough time has passed that Jordy also turned TWO in the meantime. I…

  • Kate is 5

    Kate is 5

    This girl. She is a party and a half, and one of our snuggliest. And sneakily turned five on me. She’s joy bottled, always creative, ponders life so deeply and is such a wonderful processor. She asks the most insightful questions in real time and always gets us with her thoughts on life, one of…

  • Emma is 3

    Emma is 3

    My little love turned three earlier this month. These toddler birthdays are truly the sweetest! The realization that they are the special birthday person is pure joy, and the siblings excitement just made it that much more fun. Emma has been easy peasy happy since the day she was born. We always talk about how…

  • Luke is 6

    Luke is 6

    A few weeks ago, our Luke turned 6, and I’m still sitting here trying to add up on my fingers how. This means that almost 7 years ago, I was pregnant for the first time, and 6 years ago, our world flipped upside down and we had our first taste of sleepless nights, busier days,…

  • Jordan, 8-10 months

    Jordan, 8-10 months

    Oh buddy, if you ever read these monthly updates someday, somehow, you’ll have to forgive me for these have slowly become compound monthly updates 🙂

  • Kate is 4

    Kate is 4

    I can’t keep up you guys! My big girl is four and these birthdays and milestones aren’t slowing down. Oof. Well, I will press on. I am daily in wonderment at this little girl’s beautiful nature.

  • Jordan, 6-7 months

    Jordan, 6-7 months

    Jordan just hit his 8 month mark! He’s currently rolling around in the floor snuggling near Emma. While life got remarkably nutty 8 months ago, it also came with his absolute preciousness.

  • Birth Story, Jordan

    Birth Story, Jordan

    Our sweet Jordan, our May baby. Although this is technically our fourth birth rodeo (man, that’s a comparison that breaks down real fast), I could not believe how much every birth has felt like its own entity. The butterflies, the excitement, the nerves, the preparation. While I had peace knowing what my body has or…

  • Baptism


    Last weekend we got to baptize our babes ♥ It was an incredibly special moment and one we’d contemplated, prayed about and researched for a few years now. When Luke was born, we had dedicated him and when Kate came along, we did the same thing. Both dedications were beautiful moments! And as time has went on,…

  • Emma is 2

    Emma is 2

    I’m so behind. So so behind. I am troubled by my behind-ness (a questionable adjective). I am two months late for this birthday post. So late, in fact, that I’m now a day late to my own birthday post (the horror). But here I am, you guys. I can’t stop, won’t quit now. Birthday posts…

  • Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan is five months tomorrow! So as one does, I shall post his four and five month update. Nights have been late recently so Jordan is kicking my booty sleep wise but lucky for him, I am so smitten with his stage right now. He is so smiley and coos so much, and loves chattering…

  • First Day of School

    First Day of School

    Luke is off and running to his first day of elementary school! I can vividly remember five years ago, when Luke was 6 months old, sitting on the couch talking with James about school and we laughed as we realized it’s FIVE years away. Well bam wham thank you ma’am, that went fast.

  • Jordan, 1-3 months

    Jordan, 1-3 months

    So behind but determined to keep this up! These are some photos from the last twelve weeks.. life threw us a curveball in June and landed us in the hospital for Jordan’s one month mark (and Father’s Day too!). Originally we had taken him in as a tag-a-long to Luke’s check up at our doctors office,…

  • Jordan is here!

    Jordan is here!

    We are in total and utter love with our newborn baby boy Jordan!! He came Friday, May 10 at 2:39am! 8 pounds, 4 ounces of pure love. Perfect way to celebrate Mother’s Day this year..

  • Big Kids

    Big Kids

    I have been finding myself so nostalgic and emotional watching and observing my “big kids” these last few weeks. “Big” in the sense that they feel big, but in reality they are truly babies still! Luke, five for only a month now, Kate at three and Emma is just a wee babe herself as she…

  • Wilder Ranch

    Wilder Ranch

  • Luke is 5

    Luke is 5

    I can’t believe it buddy.. you’re five! Our little boy who feels suddenly huge, full of activity, wonder, thoughts, intelligence, kindness, love! I can hardly believe it. He has been waiting to be 5 since his friend Micah turned 5, two years ago. Seriously though. This couldn’t be a more exciting milestone (although he’s already…

  • Kate is 3!

  • Merry Christmas

    My dears on Christmas. Love them so..

  • Thanksgiving

    So I managed to take (very) few pics on thanksgiving and one in particular that poor Kate happened to be super distraught during. So needless to say it was the realest. But we had a great day!—waking up slow, watching the parade, getting our dishes started (sweet potatoes, veggies and mac/cheese this year!) and a…

  • Emma is 1

    My goodness it is surely surreal to write that. And I’m sincerely wondering if being in disbelief over the pace of time or children’s ages ever goes out of style. I think not. That is the hallmark of parenthood maybe, that children observe you always going on about the swiftness of time.. well, here I…

  • Kate at 2

    I can hardly believe Kate is in the neighborhood of two and a half, plus a little more. These days with her range from the sweetest, gentlest moments to the most fierce, she is both all at once. She has the most thoughtful nature, always bringing everybody their belongings and wanting to be a supportive…

  • Emma is 10 months

    I’m so behind on these! I am forcing myself to sit down for a hot second so I don’t neglect to log these memories. At ten months, Emma is smiley, giggly, observant, snuggly