Category: Motherhood

  • Children’s Stories

    12 favorite children’s stories (and my wishlist)

  • Essay

    Arm asleep, drool on shoulder. Snotty, congested breaths, chests rise and fall. Various limbs nestled tightly with mine, comforted in the closeness. All other beds in the house emptied in the span of a few sleepless hours over a tearful bargain for ours. A haggle often lost by us, I’m sure the record is staggering.…

  • Monday Mornings

    Most Mondays are spent on walks or homebound, with the occasional hangout as well. Our double stroller serves as our second car a couple days a week, so I’m usually somehow out and about with the kiddos, walking to the grocery store, park, coffee shop or down to the beach. This particular day we were still…

  • Birth Story, Kate

    Hello! Well. Although I’m nine months late to this, my recollection of this incredible day does not grow dim. This girl. Our Kate. Born on a rainy Saturday morning in January. My feelings toward birth this time around were on a whole, a lot less stressful. Maybe because our we had enough to worry about in our…

  • Mother’s Day

    Gosh I love these kids. They bring me so much joy, even when they’re doggin’ (Kate). Then there are days that I am counting down the minutes to bedtime because my brain/body/mind/soul can’t keep up with the crazy and we might not make it 🙂 And then after the quiet and bedtime cuddles, and as…

  • Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you mama’s out there! I am beyond thankful for mine! She is one in a million, and I couldn’t ask for a better mom for me, and grandma for my son. She’s always loved me unconditionally and was a consistent, strong yet merciful presence for me. Love her so much.

  • Motherhood

    In these weeks leading up to Mother’s Day, the day I became a mother keeps running through my mind. There had been so much anticipation and after so much emotion, so much exertion and physical exhaustion, there was this little boy, so tiny and squeaky in our arms.. he made our hands look huge. We…

  • Nursing Diary

    Today, my nursing story is up in the ‘Adventures in Breastfeeding’ series (thanks to Danielle at missverse). I am so excited to be included because her collection of stories were a haven for me throughout these past months. Especially at the beginning, I’d pour over all the accounts of how things went for each one,…

  • Nursing Essentials

    What an adventure nursing has been!! I had no idea what to be ready for and if only those millions of pregnancy books I thumbed through had a huge caution page about nursing, I would’ve been a little more prepared.. maybe. This has been one of the things I have had to work the hardest at…

  • Birth Story, Luke

    I so understand why people tell you to write down a birth story as soon as humanly possible because goodness gracious, the vividness of a day seems to fade so quickly once all the excitement and emotions have died down and you have your sweet little bundle (extremely loud bundle at times!) in your arms.…

  • New Mother Essentials

    There are a couple things that really got me through the first months that I have been wanting to share because seriously, with our first it was SUCH cold spash-a water on my face! We just had no idea what to expect (yes.. even though there’s a book) and you read so much about pregnancy…

  • Essay

    There are so many things people told me, shared, implored with me about parenthood before it all went down (it being birth). Some of those things, I can honestly say you guys, in hindsight, just noooot helpful. But then there are a few that I’ve hung onto, that have girded me up as a mother and made me feel…

  • Bits and Pieces

    I can’t believe how gorgeous Mother’s Day was this year! We started the day being woken up by an unhappy but adorable little boy and taking our time getting up. On days where we’re relaxing, we take waking up slowly to a new level (at least I did!) and I stayed in there as long…

  • Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day mamas!! It’s funny but I am still [daily] coming to the realization that I am a mama.. I even looked at myself in the mirror today, while holding little boy and told myself: “I’m someone’s mommy..I’m your mama!!” On the other hand though, it’s all just been so natural. It’s felt like…

  • Bits and Pieces

    It’s the moment in between it all. The trash is out, some of the dishes have been put away, yesterday’s mail (bills) have been thumbed through and everyone’s needs are momentarily met. I can lean in close and hear his little breaths ever so quietly and the hum of the fan in the background as I…