• Back to School

    Back to School

  • Summer


  • The Highlands

    The Highlands

    We visited the Highlands, North Carolina earlier this month!

  • Jordan is 5

    Jordan is 5

  • Luke is 10

    Luke is 10

    Ten years old!

  • Kate is 8

    Kate is 8

    My sweet girl is 8!

  • Christmas


    I could not have fathomed being more sick on Christmas but alas, I was crazy sick. I did not leave my bed for about 12 days following Christmas. I had the plain ol’ flu (influenza B) and ended up getting multiple rounds of various treatment because I was such a mess.

  • Dahlonega


  • Holly Springs

    Holly Springs

  • Emma is 6

    Emma is 6

  • Jordan is 4

    Jordan is 4

    The last year of this precious boy.

  • Luke is 9

    Luke is 9

  • Kate is 7

    Kate is 7

  • Emma is 5

    Emma is 5

    This Labor Day weekend, we celebrate our little Labor Day arrival, Emma! My on-time twin (came on her due date, Labor Day) which was both ironic and wonderful all at once. I cannot believe you, my love, are already 5! Emma is a loving, charming, adorable little lady with big puppy dog eyes when she…

  • James Birthday

    James Birthday

    This year, James birthday was a sweet regular Thursday surrounded with some of his favorite fans (his students), notes and trinkets from family friends near and far, a homemade cake with the kids at home (we didn’t even cut it, hehe), and the perfect gift (imho) for someone entering their older 30’s – a massage…

  • Back to School

    Back to School

    And by BTS I mean “back to school” .. not the Bangtan boys, though I do love their mashup with Coldplay. My friends, Georgians don’t mess around with a long summer. We were back to school August 8th, no lie. Though we technically get out in May and enjoy as full a summer as the…

  • Summer Road Trip

    Summer Road Trip

    This summer, we decided to treat the kids with a cross-country road trip back to where we started from, and by that of course I mean, California. Can you hear it now? Our entire fam belting that song, surrounded by poppy-lined roads as we cross the border into the state and cheers with our In-N-Out…

  • Jordan is 3

    Jordan is 3

    Jordan turned three! We rang his birthday in with all the Super Mario trinkets and accessories possible, which filled him with all the three-year-old awe and wonder you could hope for. He really went hard in the paint for Mario last year and hasn’t looked back, which makes us giggle because James made a strong…

  • Spring


    1. Easter celebrations 2. School presentations 3. Grandparents day 4. Perfect weather and outdoor time 5. Chalk everywhere 6. Softball team 7. Silly faces

  • Luke is 8

    Luke is 8

    As I sit here listening to Toto and thinking about my 8-year-old big kid (you, Luke!), I can’t help but smile. Luke has been our buddy through all of life’s experiences for the last 8 years. Luke has so much spunk, kindness, thoughtfulness, rampant energy, hunger (proverbially and physically), and true tenacity, all wrapped up…

  • Kate is 6

    Kate is 6

    Our twinkling little lady is six! I never tire of birthday posts. They have a knack for leaving me in pieces without fail. Kate turned six and I can’t remember a person more thrilled to have a birthday, except maybe the last child to have a birthday in our family 😅 but her excitement was…

  • Lake Oconee

    Lake Oconee

    Hooray for a change of scenery. We had so much fun visiting Lake Oconee last weekend and celebrating Emma’s 4th birthday. We haven’t been ready for too much driving and exploration since the cross country drive in June, but we couldn’t pass up a chance to see a new part of Georgia, in this case…

  • Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke is 7, Jordan is 2

    Luke turned the big ol’ age of SEVEN months ago and I’ve been drafting this post since. Let’s pretend it’s disbelief, but probably it’s purely the chaos that has been our last six months, a story for another post. Whatever the case, enough time has passed that Jordy also turned TWO in the meantime. I…

  • Emma is 4

    Emma is 4

    To our little love, Emma, happy birthday! We adore you baby girl! Emma always surprises us with her sweetness and flexibility in life. She brings joy almost everywhere she goes. A little animal or a small scene she’s set up is like the beginning of a magical world to her. She has such a specific…

  • New Chapter

    New Chapter

    Well, it’s been a minute but I thought it was a good time to start keeping my dear wordy and wildly emotional online journal. And the big news, especially as far as a journal would be concerned, is that we’ve moved! Out of state! Yes, we have ended up in the land of peaches, sweet…

  • Kate is 5

    Kate is 5

    This girl. She is a party and a half, and one of our snuggliest. And sneakily turned five on me. She’s joy bottled, always creative, ponders life so deeply and is such a wonderful processor. She asks the most insightful questions in real time and always gets us with her thoughts on life, one of…

  • Fall, Christmas

    Fall, Christmas

    Christmas pretty much began back on October 31, when, for the first time, James and I became avid Hallmark Christmas movie watchers. We didn’t see it coming, but we didn’t see anything this year coming, so we went with it, and we are hooked. Nothing like a predictable love story a la Lacey Chabert to…

  • Emma is 3

    Emma is 3

    My little love turned three earlier this month. These toddler birthdays are truly the sweetest! The realization that they are the special birthday person is pure joy, and the siblings excitement just made it that much more fun. Emma has been easy peasy happy since the day she was born. We always talk about how…

  • Summer


    Well! Summer of 2020, and here we all are, living through strange, unbelievable days. This year did not have me holding my breath right from the get go, and though I didn’t declare any particularly aspirational goals this year, rest assured I’ve accomplished nothing. I am mostly pleased to get a proper shower, ‘specially one…

  • Jordan is 1

    Jordan is 1

    Last month we celebrated Jordan turning ONE! This first year with everybody’s baby brother has been such a special one. It is a real wonder to watch Jordan through the eyes of our family. He is happy to be everyone’s baby. But in all actuality, he seems like he might outgrow us all before we…

Got any book recommendations?